What is a pregnancy condition?
A pregnancy condition means you are pregnant and any of the following circumstances apply to you:
- You are experiencing complications with the pregnancy that fall within the definition of Complications of pregnancy and childbirth (as described below’under 'Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth')
- You experienced complications with any previous pregnancy that fall within the definition of Complications of pregnancy and childbirth (as described below’under 'Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth'), or
- You are having multiple children (e.g. twins, triplets or more), or
- Your conception was medically assisted (e.g. hormone therapy or IVF).
Unless you complete a medical screening for your pregnancy condition, we agree to provide you with cover, and you pay the additional premium, we are not able to cover any claims under the policy benefits arising from a pregnancy condition that existed during:
- the period of 3 years prior to your policy issue date; or
- the period between the time of your policy issue date and the date of departure for your trip (except oif you have to cancel or reschedule your trip between the time of your policy issue date and the date of departure for your trip).