Travel Insurance For New Zealand

Travel insurance for New Zealand can cover you for a lot of different things including activities, medical and luggage.

The following information applies to policies purchased from 30th October 2023 onwards. For policies purchased prior to 30th October 2023: you can find the PDS relevant to you in your policy confirmation email, by logging into MyPolicy, or you can contact us for assistance.

Travel Insurance for New Zealand 

With beautiful scenery to explore in a campervan, friendly locals, a fantastic snow season and numerous nature trails, a New Zealand holiday seems to be able to offer something for everyone. And, considering how long it can usually take to fly to any overseas destinations from Australia, the Kiwis are relatively close by!

But don’t think just because New Zealand is our neighbour that they’ll automatically look after you for unexpected emergencies. A New Zealand holiday still means travelling overseas, which is why you should consider getting New Zealand travel insurance.

If you’re doing New Zealand travel, you should consider a policy that provides 24 hour emergency assistance as well as cover for what’s most important to you such as:

Overseas Emergency Medical Cover

This benefit provides cover for the unexpected overseas emergency expenses you may have if you become sick or injured in New Zealand.

Cancellation Cover

Something can go wrong before you travel, like you or a close relative suddenly becoming sick or injured, which could force you to cancel your trip. Cancellation cover allows you to claim for lost deposits including flight costs, cruise tickets, accommodation, rental cars, activities and prepaid tours.

Luggage cover

If you’re taking your laptop, phone or camera you’ll want to think about covering them along with the rest of your luggage in case it gets lost, stolen or damaged during your trip.

Cover for Snow Sports or Adventure Activities

New Zealand offers great skiing and snowboarding, as well as a huge variety of activities such as whitewater rafting, kayaking, sailing and bungee jumping. Some adventure activities may be covered, and you may also be able to add on extra cover for riding a motorcycle with the Motorcycle Pack or for more risky activities, with our Adventure Pack.

Cover for Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess

Campervan or rental car self-drive holidays are a popular type of New Zealand holiday and a great way to get around. You can choose to cover the excess portion on your rental car insurance if your rental car is damaged in an accident or stolen.

Please note: This is only a summary of benefits. Policy terms, conditions, limits, sub limits and exclusions apply to each cover type. Benefit limits shown are for Single and Duo (per person) policies. Pooled Benefits mean that Family policy benefit limits apply for the whole family and are double the corresponding benefit limit under a Single policy, except for certain benefits - please refer to the Product Disclosure Statement for full details. ^Cover under these Benefits are excluded while travelling within Australia.

Medical Benefits

Basics Domestic Plus Standard Saver Comprehensive Snow Sports Plus Frequent Traveller Saver

Overseas 24/7 Emergency Medical Assistance^


Unlimited ––– Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Funeral/cremation Overseas and/or bringing your remains back to Australia (per person)

$20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000

Repatriation of your mortal remains from a Schengen listed country back to Australia (only if you have an approved and valid Schengen visa)(per person)

$60,000 ––– $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000

Overseas Emergency Medical & Hospital Expenses^

Unlimited ––– Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Overseas Emergency Dental

$500 ––– $750 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

Overseas Emergency Evacuation & Repatriation

Unlimited ––– Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Overseas Hospital Cash Payment^


––– ––– ––– $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Daily Limit (per person)

$50 $50 $50

Accidental Death

Travellers Aged 80 to 89:
––– $25,000
––– $25,000

Accidental Death for travellers up to age 79

$25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000

Accidental Death for travellers aged 80 - 89

$20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000

Accidental Death of a Dependant (per Dependant)

$5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Permanent Disability^

Travellers Aged 80 to 89:
––– ––– ––– $50,000

Permanent Disability for travellers up to age 79

$50,000 $50,000 $25,000

Permanent Disability for travellers aged 80 - 89

$20,000 $20,000 $20,000

Permanent Disability of a Dependant (per Dependant)

$5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Loss of Income^


––– ––– ––– $10,400 $10,400 $10,400

Weekly Limit (per person) - up to 26 weeks

$400 $400 $400

Financial Benefits

Basics Domestic Plus Standard Saver Comprehensive Snow Sports Plus Frequent Traveller Saver

Trip Cancellation Expenses


––– Unlimited $25,000 Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Travel Agents Cancellation Fees

$1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500

Close Relatives that do not meet Close relative conditions

$2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000

Personal Liability

$1,000,000 $5,000,000 $2,500,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000 $5,000,000

Trip Disruption Expenses


––– $50,000 $30,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000

Close Relatives with a Pre-existing Medical Condition

$2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000

Trip Resumption Expenses

––– $3,000 $2,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000

Luggage & Personal Effects


up to $2,000
$7,500 $5,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000

Stand-alone personal computers, cameras and video recorders (excluding devices with integrated cameras or recording functions, such as mobile phones, Drones or similar devices) (per item)

$3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000

Mobile phones (per item)

$1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500

Tablets (per item)

$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000

All other unspecified items (per item)

$750 $750 $750 $750 $750 $750

Luggage and Personal Effects stolen from a Locked Storage Compartment of an unattended vehicle during daylight hours. We will pay up to $200 for each item and $2,000 in total for all stolen items.

$2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000

Passports, Credit Cards & Credit Card Fraud^

––– ––– $2,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Special Event Transport Expenses

––– $5,000 ––– $5,000 $5,000 $5,000

Rental Vehicle Excess


––– $5,000 Optional
up to $8,000
up to $8,000
Optional Optional

Return of Rental Vehicle

$500 $500 $500 $500 $500

Travel Delay Expenses


––– $2,000 ––– $2,000 $2,000 $2,000

Daily Limit (per person)

(we will pay up to $200 for each full 24 hours beyond the initial 6 hour delay)

$200 $200 $200 $200

Delay of Luggage and Personal Effects^

––– ––– ––– $750 $750 $750

Theft of Cash^

––– ––– ––– $250 $250 $250

Snow Sports Benefits

Basics Domestic Plus Standard Saver Comprehensive Snow Sports Plus Frequent Traveller Saver

Snow Sport Equipment

––– $1,500 ––– ––– $1,500 –––

Snow Equipment Replacement Hire

––– $1,500 ––– ––– $1,500 –––

Snow Prepaid Expenses

––– $750 ––– ––– $750 –––

Snow Resort Closure


––– $1,000 ––– ––– $1,000 –––

Daily Limit (per person)

$100 $100

COVID-19 Benefits

Basics Domestic Plus Standard Saver Comprehensive Snow Sports Plus Frequent Traveller Saver

COVID-19 Overseas Emergency Medical, Hospital & Medical Evacuation Expenses

Unlimited ––– Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited

Funeral/cremation Overseas and/or bringing your remains back to Australia (per person)

$20,000 ––– $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000

Repatriation of your mortal remains from a Schengen listed country back to Australia (only if you have an approved and valid Schengen visa)(per person)

$60,000 ––– $60,000 $60,000 $60,000 $60,000

COVID-19 Trip Cancellation & Disruption

––– $3,500 $3,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000
New Zealand Flag

Can I get medical insurance for New Zealand?

Of course! We believe that having cover for unexpected medical expenses is so important that all of our international policies provide you with unlimited medical and hospital expenses. You never know what could happen while you’re on your NZ holiday – you may be in an accident and need to be hospitalised, your child may get an ear infection or you may become sick and have to purchase prescription medication.

Our travel insurance can provide cover for many medical conditions.

You can complete a medical screening for:

  1. Your existing medical conditions that you have or have had, for the 3 years prior to your policy purchase date,

  2. Any changes to your existing medical conditions which we have agreed to cover, after you buy your policy and before you leave for your trip,

  3. New medical conditions you develop after you buy your policy and before you leave for your trip.

If we agree to provide you with cover for your medical conditions following your medical screening, you may need to pay an additional premium.

IMPORTANT: If you have had a medical or pregnancy condition within the 3 years prior to your policy purchase date, and you have not completed a medical screening for those conditions, or you have not notified us of a change in health or new medical condition as mentioned above, there is no cover for any claims under the policy arising from any of those medical or pregnancy conditions. You should also be aware of the General Exclusions that apply to all benefits, in particular General Exclusion 20 and 22 of the PDS.

What is a medical condition?

We consider a medical condition to be any bodily or physical injury, physical defect, illness, disease or other medical or dental condition or sign or symptom of these things, which you and anyone listed on your policy (including dependants travelling with you):

  • required prescription medication for or has been prescribed medication from a medical practitioner in writing for,
  • sought or received medical advice from a medical practitioner or other health care professional for,
  • had tests, investigations, care, treatment or medical attention including surgery for,
  • been admitted to hospital for (including emergency department or day surgery procedure), or
  • became aware of or which a reasonable person in the circumstances would have been aware of.

It includes but is not limited to:

  • the suffering or treatment of mental illness,
  • a brain, heart (such as any cardiovascular or coronary heart disease or any condition related to a heart or blood vessels), kidney, liver, respiratory, circulatory (such as high blood pressure, stroke, or transient ischaemic attack), cancer or cancerous condition,
  • reduced or deficient immune system,
  • a sign or symptom of the above matters, or
  • a persistent and lasting health condition such as constant pain or long-suffering pain or pain with a pattern of relapse and remission, or
  • any conditions related to previous and current pregnancy as detailed in “What is a Pregnancy Condition” below.

You need to complete a medical screening if you are pregnant and you have a pregnancy condition, as listed below:

  • You are experiencing complications with the pregnancy (see our Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth table in PDS for further details on what we consider a Complication of Pregnancy and Childbirth), or
  • You experienced complications with any previous pregnancy (see our Complications of Pregnancy and Childbirth table in PDS for further details on what we consider a Complication of Pregnancy and Childbirth), or 
  • You are having multiple children (e.g. twins, triplets or more), or 
  • Your conception was medically assisted (e.g. hormone therapy or IVF).  

If any of the above applies to you, you will need to complete a medical screening so that we can assess whether or not we can provide you with cover for your medical condition.

Check out our Medical Conditions page for more information about medical screening for your medical and pregnancy conditions including information about the General Exclusions that may apply.

Please refer to our Product Disclosure Statement for eligibility criteria, and policy terms, conditions, exclusions and limits that apply.

Man Leaning and Pointing

5 things you need to know about New Zealand travel insurance with Fast Cover

  1. Cover is provided for overseas emergency medical and hospital expenses, plus medical screening is available for your medical conditions.
  2. Cancellation cover to protect the payments that you’ve already made for your holiday can be included with your New Zealand travel insurance.
  3. Optional Rental Vehicle Insurance Excess cover if you’re hiring a rental car or campervan.
  4. Cover for adventure sports and activities, motorcycle, moped or scooter riding and bikes can be added to your policy.
  5. Kids and grandkids can be covered when travelling with an insured adult on both New Zealand Family policies or if travelling separately, on Single policies.

Travel Insurance to New Zealand from Australia

Our NZ travel insurance can provide you with cover once you leave Australia to fly or cruise to New Zealand. And if you’re wondering what to do in New Zealand once you’re there and if you’ll have cover for it, be assured that our New Zealand travel insurance policies can provide you with cover for many of the activities that Australians like to do on a New Zealand holiday.

To ensure you’re covered for all of the fun things you want to do, you should consider the type of New Zealand holiday you’re taking and what activities are on your itinerary such as:

What is New Zealand travel insurance?

New Zealand travel insurance provides cover for your New Zealand holiday, whether you’re flying there or taking a cruise. A travel insurance policy for a New Zealand trip can help with:

  • Arranging and covering the costs of an emergency evacuation that results from you becoming injured, such as severely injuring yourself after falling while skiing or snowboarding.
  • Organising for a relative to travel to NZ to be with you if you’re admitted to hospital for a serious medical condition.
  • Providing cover for your lost deposits if you’re unexpectedly forced to cancel your cruise or other plans in New Zealand before you leave for your trip.
  • Helping you arrange a new passport if yours is lost or stolen while travelling.

Do I need travel insurance for New Zealand?

According to DFAT, if you can't afford travel insurance you can't afford to travel.

It doesn't matter if you're travelling to the other side of the globe or just popping over to visit our Kiwi neighbours, the unexpected can happen which can result in you paying for out-of-pocket expenses that you hadn’t budgeted for.

And we’re not just talking about medical insurance, although medical cover is important in case you become sick or are hospitalised while in New Zealand. In fact, we think it’s so important that all our international policies include unlimited medical and hospital cover.

There are many other events that may occur, which can make you glad that you bought your Kiwi holiday insurance, including:

  • Your booked tour being cancelled due to an earthquake
  • You may have to cut your New Zealand trip short so you can return to Australia to visit a close relative who is seriously ill
  • Your phone is stolen from you
  • You’re not able to go on your trip because you’re injured in an accident prior to you leaving for your New Zealand holiday

While we hope that the above situations don’t happen to you on your NZ holiday – the fact is the unexpected can and does happen! With travel insurance for New Zealand, you can be covered for these unexpected eventualities, giving you peace of mind while you’re travelling.

Can I get travel insurance to New Zealand?

New Zealand is a popular destination for Australian travellers. Whatever type of traveller you are, if you’re aged 89 and younger, you can purchase a travel insurance policy for New Zealand from Australia.

We can provide you with a simple way to cover yourself and your hard-earned money, both before you leave Australia and during your NZ holiday.


It’s not any fun if you’re travelling companion can’t travel due to unexpected illness. However, if that does happen, you’ll both be able to claim for cancellation costs.


No matter how well you plan your family NZ trip, accidents and sickness can happen before or during your New Zealand holiday.


Travelling with the extended family or a group of friends? Cover yourselves in case anyone of you becomes sick or injured.


Have travel insurance for New Zealand for your peace of mind, and your family and friend’s peace of mind!


Be prepared and make sure you’re covered for medical emergencies.

Can I get travel insurance to New Zealand for my babymoon?

A New Zealand holiday babymoon? What a great idea! It's close by, has a temperate climate, offers scenic landscapes where you can relax, and has high quality medical care.

Before you travel to NZ, you should check if you’re fit to travel, and also whether you can be covered under our policies. 

Cover is available for your pregnancy if you experience unexpected serious complications of pregnancy and childbirth that occur: 

  • Up to the end of the 23rd week of pregnancy if you are pregnant with a single child; or 
  • Up to the 19th week of pregnancy if you are pregnant with twins or multiple children. 

However, if you have a pregnancy condition, which we describe in the next section, you may need to do a medical screening.

What is a pregnancy condition?

A pregnancy condition means you are pregnant and any of the following circumstances apply to you:

  • You are experiencing complications with the pregnancy that fall within the definition of Complications of pregnancy and childbirth (as described in the following section), or
  • You experienced complications with any previous pregnancy that fall within the definition of Complications of pregnancy and childbirth (as described in the following section), or  
  • You are having multiple children (e.g. twins, triplets or more), or  
  • Your conception was medically assisted (e.g. hormone therapy or IVF).
What is considered Complications of pregnancy and childbirth?

Any condition you have been diagnosed with or treated for in the past or any secondary diagnosis, occurring prior to, during the course of, concurrent with, or as a result of the pregnancy, which may adversely affect the pregnancy outcome including but not limited to the following:  

  • Toxemia (toxins in the blood)  
  • Gestational diabetes (diabetes arising because of pregnancy)  
  • Gestational hypertension (high blood pressure arising because of pregnancy)  
  • Pre-eclampsia (where you develop high blood pressure, carry abnormal fluid and have protein in your urine during the second half of pregnancy)  
  • Ectopic pregnancy (a pregnancy that develops outside of the uterus)  
  • Molar pregnancy or hydatidiform mole (a pregnancy in which a tumour develops from the placental tissue)  
  • Post-partum haemorrhage (excessive bleeding following childbirth)  
  • Retained placenta membrane (part or all the placenta is left behind in the uterus after delivery)  
  • Placental abruption (part or all the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus)  
  • Hyperemesis gravidarum (excessive vomiting because of pregnancy)  
  • Placenta previa (when the placenta is in the lower part of the uterus and covers part or all the cervix)  
  • Stillbirth  
  • Miscarriage  
  • Emergency caesarean section 
  • A termination needed for medical reasons

Do Australians need travel insurance for New Zealand?

While New Zealand travel simply means a short flight over the Tasman Sea, you’re still going to need your passport. This means you’re still going overseas, which means you should still consider taking out travel insurance to New Zealand!

Some Australian travellers to New Zealand believe that they are covered for all medical expenses because of Australia’s Reciprocal Health Care Agreement with New Zealand.

However, this is not the case.

Will the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement cover me in New Zealand?

New Zealand has a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement with Australia, which means that citizens or permanent residents of Australia who are covered by Medicare will have access to some medical services in New Zealand.

Australians can receive treatment that is clinically necessary for diagnosis, alleviation or care of a condition requiring attention. This includes pharmaceutical benefits, hospital services and maternity services.

To prove your eligibility for health care while in New Zealand, you’ll need:
  • Your passport which shows you’re an Australian citizen or permanent resident
  • A valid Medicare card
However, even with the Reciprocal Health Care Agreement, you will not be entitled to:
  • Ambulance cover (emergency and non-emergency)
  • Emergency dental care costs
  • Free or subsidised care from a general practitioner except for pharmaceutical benefits
  • Treatment that isn’t immediately necessary
  • Medical evacuation to Australia
  • Funerals or repatriation of your remains back to Australia
  • Treatment and accommodation in private hospitals, or as a private patient in a public hospital
  • Treatment that has been prearranged before arrival

That’s why being covered with New Zealand travel insurance can still prove to be very important for all Australians travelling to NZ, as medical evacuation alone can cost thousands of dollars.

Can I get travel insurance for New Zealand citizens in Australia?

If you’re a Kiwi citizen living in Australia and you’re looking to travel back to NZ to visit family and friends, you can take out a New Zealand travel insurance policy with us, as long as you satisfy our eligibility criteria, as set out in our PDS.

New Zealand Map

What can affect my New Zealand travel insurance?

Some limits may apply to the type of travel insurance policy that you can take out, and these include:

Age restrictions

Our policies are able to cover travellers up to the age of 89. However, your age can also restrict you from being covered for activities like skiing and snowboarding, some adventure sports and riding a scooter, moped or motorcycle.

Orange Medical Icon
Existing medical conditions

Check out our Medical Conditions page for more information about medical screening for your existing medical and pregnancy conditions including information about the General Exclusions that may apply*.


If you’re planning an adventurous holiday in New Zealand, you should check if you have cover for the adventure activity or sport. Not all activities are covered and if you’re injured doing something that isn’t covered, you’ll have to foot the medical bill and other expenses that may arise due to your injury, including cancellation costs. Activities such as paragliding, riding a motorcycle and skiing and snowboarding may not be covered.

Do you need travel insurance for NZ adventure activities?

New Zealand holidays are a popular destination for adrenaline junkies and offers some of the best outdoor activities and extreme sports in the world. Examples of adventure activities you could try on your New Zealand holiday include:

  • Caving
  • Hot air ballooning
  • Zorbing
  • Kayaking
  • Bungee jumping
  • Canyon swinging
  • Fishing
  • Go-karting
  • Golf
  • Horse riding
  • Skydiving
  • Hang gliding
  • Quad biking
  • Walking, hiking and trekking
  • Whitewater rafting

If you’re injured while you’re participating in an activity, your New Zealand travel insurance policy may be able to cover your medical expenses, and depending on the type of policy that you have chosen, the out-of-pocket expenses that you incur because you’re unable to continue your NZ trip as originally planned.

Some of these activities are automatically covered, however, you may need to take out the Adventure Pack to be covered for some others. Without appropriate cover for the activities that you’ll be doing, you will end up being liable for any costs should something happen.

Fast Cover Snow Cover

Is there Travel Insurance for Skiing in New Zealand?

Skiing and snowboarding in New Zealand is not automatically included with our Comprehensive, Standard Saver and Basics travel insurance policies, you will need to select our Snow Sports Plus policy:

Cover for skiing and snowboarding can provide cover for:

Emergency medical expenses resulting from a fall on the slopes

Emergency transport from the ski fields to hospital

Your ski package so that you won’t be out-of-pocket if you can’t use your pre-bought ski package due to sickness or injury

Piste closure so you may be compensated if bad weather prevents you from hitting the slopes

Your ski equipment if it gets lost, stolen or damaged

3 Tips for safe snowboarding and skiing

Whether you are a first timer or a seasoned snowboarder or skier, here are a few tips that will help to keep you safe on the slopes so that you can enjoy snowboarding trips for many years to come:


Always wear a helmet and consider protective wrist guards as well.

Though helmet use has been increasing, they’re still only worn by 76.4% in 2017 with Australian skiers. 


Take lessons from a professional instructor/guide.

It’s a fun way to meet fellow snowboarders and skiers, especially of you are alone. More than that though, learning from a professional and knowing how to fall correctly, can really minimise future risks and costly medical assistance.


Know when to stop!

With any adrenaline sport such as snowboarding, we can easily overdo it because of that wonderful rush. However, it is important to know when you need a break and when to call it a day. Many injuries happen long after that point has passed, when the rider is tired and their concentration is fading.

Can I get cruise travel insurance to New Zealand from Australia?

Yes you can! Our cruise travel insurance policies can provide you with cover for unexpected events that can occur, whether you’re on-board the cruise ship, on a shore excursion or driving around New Zealand as a part of your cruise holiday.

You can be covered for sickness or injury, and for evacuation from the ship to the nearest hospital or back home to Australia.

When is the best time to purchase travel insurance for New Zealand?

Generally, the best time to purchase travel insurance is soon after you’ve paid deposits towards your NZ trip. This is because you can get cover for cancellation in your New Zealand Comprehensive, Standard Saver and Snow Sports Plus travel insurance policy, and it takes effect the moment your travel insurance policy is issued. All other benefits come into effect when you depart for your New Zealand trip.

Once you have cancellation cover, you can be confident that if something unexpected happens which forces you to cancel your trip, you have cover in place to be compensated for lost deposits.

The types of deposits that can be covered under the cancellation benefit include:

  • Cruise tickets
  • Flights
  • Tours
  • Accommodation
  • Ski packages
  • Bookings for sports
  • Booked activities
  • Campervan hire
  • Rental car hire

Before you compare travel insurance for New Zealand policies, you should have a look at the type of NZ travel that you’ll be doing, and what you want to be covered for. This will allow you to more effectively compare travel insurance policies for your NZ holiday.

When you’re comparing New Zealand travel insurance policies, you should consider not just the price, but also the benefits that are included with the policy and if they’re what you want to be covered for. The policy limits and exclusions should also be considered, as these will let you know what you won’t be covered for. Remember that the cheapest NZ travel insurance policy may not be able to provide you with the cover that you need on your holiday to NZ.

The best travel insurance for your trip depends on what you’re looking to be covered for. Every traveller’s New Zealand holiday will be different, so the “best” travel insurance policy for one traveller may not be so for another.

When looking for the best New Zealand travel insurance policy for your type of holiday, you should think about what you want to be covered for, and then look for a NZ travel insurance policy that suits your requirements.

  1. Select the New Zealand Region and follow a few simple steps online for an instant quote.
  2. Consider the benefits included in each policy.
  3. Select the level of cover that’s best for your trip to New Zealand.
  4. Read the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).
  5. Consider the Financial Services Guide.

Can I get cheap travel insurance for New Zealand?

A cheap New Zealand travel insurance policy for your NZ holiday may sound like a good idea, however, it may not be the best travel insurance policy for your type of NZ travel. When you’re looking for a cheap travel insurance policy, you should consider the type of trip that you will be taking and what you think is important to be covered for.

To get a good deal on travel insurance, there are a couple of tricks you can use if you’re going to New Zealand:

Group of travellers
Buy travel insurance together

Travel insurance for two people travelling together, or for a group, can work out to be cheaper than single policies for each person. Compare the price of getting a DUO policy or contact your travel insurer about a group quote.

Buy before your next birthday

Age comes into play in calculating the cost of your travel insurance policy for New Zealand. That means it might be cheaper to buy travel insurance before your next birthday. So start investigating prices as soon as you’ve decided on your holiday, as you may find that you can purchase a policy with Cancellation cover straight away, to cover the deposits you have or will make.

Single Traveller
Become a loyal customer

Did you know that we offer discounts to our returning travellers? It doesn’t hurt to ask for a discount!

To get the best tips to help you save money on travel insurance, check out ‘20 Ways you can Save on Travel Insurance’ for more tips that will help you save money on travel insurance.

Can I get travel insurance for New Zealand natural disasters?

New Zealand is prone to experience some natural disasters, in particular earthquakes. One of the most notorious was a 7.8 magnitude earthquake which struck New Zealand’s South Island in 2016.

If you purchase your NZ travel insurance policy before a natural disaster occurs and you’re on your New Zealand holiday when it strikes, your travel insurance for New Zealand can provide you with cover if you’re injured as a result of it.

Our Comprehensive, Standard Saver, Frequent Traveller Saver or Snow Sports Plus policies, can also provide you with cover for additional expenses if your return home is delayed, such as extra nights of accommodation and food. If you haven’t yet travelled and your flights to New Zealand are cancelled (rather than rescheduled) then you may also be able to claim for your lost deposits with the Cancellation benefit.

What is excluded from my travel insurance for New Zealand?

If something is excluded, that means you won’t have cover for unexpected expenses, and this includes medical expenses. Be sure to read through our Policy Disclosure Statement (PDS) to understand these exclusions, as they may apply regardless of when you purchased your travel insurance for NZ. There are some common exclusions you should be aware of, including:

Travelling against official advice

If a doctor has told you not to travel due to a particular medical condition, or the Australian Government has issued a ‘Reconsider your need to travel’ or ‘Do not travel’ alert for New Zealand on smartraveller, and you still choose to travel to that destination, you may not have cover for travel to that destination.

If you are intoxicated

Accidents resulting from excessive alcohol consumption may not be covered. This includes injuries such as broken bones which are the result of you acting irresponsibly and not taking due care.

Changing your mind

If you simply decide you no longer wish to travel, you may not be covered for the payments that you’ve already made for your New Zealand holiday. You would only be able to claim for a cancellation of your New Zealand holiday if it’s for a reason that is covered under your policy, and if the policy provides for a cancellation benefit.

Illegal activities

This includes taking illicit drugs (and any injury you might sustain as a result of your compromised behaviour) and driving a motorcycle or car without a valid licence.

Claiming for something that isn’t covered

If a medical condition, event or activity is not explicitly covered by the New Zealand travel insurance policy that you have purchased for your trip, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to claim for expenses related to it.

For example: If you have a Basics policy, you would have cover for medical, hospital and personal liability expenses incurred in New Zealand. However, there is no Cancellation cover, which means that if you’re unable to go on your trip, you would not be able to submit a claim for the deposits that you’ve already made for your NZ holiday even if you cancelled for medical reasons.

Where we have issued New Zealand Travel Alerts

From time to time, we may issue a Travel Advisory. Travel advisories set out our position on travel related events and may affect the cover on your travel insurance for New Zealand.

Travel related events could include natural disasters, pandemic/epidemics and terrorist acts.

If you leave your belongings unsupervised in public

If you leave your luggage or personal belongings in a public place, such as in a taxi, on a cruise ship, beach or park bench and the item is lost or stolen as a result, you may not be able to submit a claim for the lost or stolen item. You must make sure that your belongings are with you at all times.

If your pre-existing medical conditions aren't covered by your policy

Any medical conditions that you have which fall within the 3 years prior to policy issue date and for any changes in health, between the time of policy issue and the date of departure for your trip, that you have not declared and are not listed on your certificate of insurance will also not be covered under your policy.  

This means that if you do not declare any medical conditions, including new medical or pregnancy  conditions or changes in health that occur after your policy is issued and before you leave for your trip, there will be no cover unless you contact us to complete a new medical screening.

Check out our Medical Conditions page for more information about medical screening for your existing medical and pregnancy conditions including information about the General Exclusions that may apply*.

What should I do in New Zealand in an emergency?

Hospital Icon
Seek assistance immediately

You might need to see a doctor, go to hospital or go to the police station to report a theft. Whatever assistance you need, don’t put it off. It’s better to get the help you need as soon as possible than to put it off because you’re worried about potential expenses.

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Contact your travel insurer as soon as you can

You’ll be able to get in contact with the Emergency Assistance team over the phone at any time, wherever you’re in New Zealand. If you’re in an emergency situation, update the emergency assistance team so that they’re able to provide you with advice and arrange any services you may need.

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Seek Consular Assistance

If required, you can also get in contact with the Australian embassy in New Zealand.

Man with magnifyng glass

FAQs for New Zealand Travel Insurance

Yes, you are eligible for a policy with Fast Cover, as long as you have an Australian Medicare card which is NOT a visitor Medicare card.

Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

Our cancellation benefit can cover you for your flights with Air New Zealand if you are unexpectedly sick or injured and unable to travel. For information on what Air New Zealand travel insurance covers, you should check out the Air New Zealand website.

New Zealand is in the New Zealand region and also provides cover for travel within Australia (Domestic).

Cover is subject to the policy terms, conditions, limits and exclusions in the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

The cost of a travel insurance policy for New Zealand depends on a few factors, including how long you’re travelling for; the type of activities you’re planning to do, including cruising and skiing or snowboarding; how many people are travelling and what you want to be covered for.

For more information, refer to our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

You should consider taking out New Zealand travel insurance because while NZ and Australia have a Reciprocal Health Care Agreement, if you’re injured or sick, you won’t be covered for all medical costs. The health care agreement does not provide cover for your ambulance, emergency dental or medical evacuation and repatriation expenses.

For more information, refer to our Product Disclosure Statement (PDS).

Things you need to know

^ Price as at 27/10/2024 compared to the price calculated today for this policy.

* See Product Disclosure Statement for full terms and conditions and exclusions and limits that apply.