Sharon's Travel Insurance Claim Story: Dental Emergency

"All I could do was cry from the pain I felt"

Sharon's emergency dental surgery was only one of two travel insurance claims she made on her 6 month holiday in Canada. Unfortunately, the unexpected does happen in life and can happen when least expected. Read Sharon's real life story below which she has gratefully shared to highlight the importance of travel insurance.

"Best time of my life" at Big White Snow Resort in Canada 

Sharon is a 22 year old traveller from Melbourne who had no idea her trip would lead her to claim!

"My trip was to Canada, I was approved for a work visa so thought why not experience working and holidaying in another country for an extended period of time (6 months). I went to Big White Ski Resort and snowboarded and worked for 6 months. I met so many amazing people and made so many lifelong friends! Best time of my life."

No one expects their holiday to take a turn for the worst, but twice. 

"On two occasions I had to make a claim whilst on holidays. The first being a wisdom tooth decided to come out whilst on holiday which caused pain I've never experienced before. I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep and all I could do was cry from the pain I felt. I wasn't sure if i was going to be covered for this but turns out because it was out of my control it got covered. So for that first claim they covered it, it cost about $500... NOT CHEAP! As soon as fast cover received all of the documents and receipts required I received my refund with no hassles at all!

The second claim unfortunately my partners mother unexpectedly passed away and of course we had to go home to support other family members and help with funeral plans, we decided to book a return flight as I thought it was a good idea for us to continue on with our trip of a life time which my partners mum would of wanted and was so happy for us both, Fast cover covered my return trip to Australia and back to Canada. $2200 later..." 

"Thank you Fast Cover, you have a customer for life"

"On two occasions I had to make a claim whilst on holidays. The first being a wisdom tooth that needed emergency surgery and the second claim for return flights back to Australia when my partner’s mother unexpectedly passed away. As soon as Fast Cover received all of the documents and receipts, I received my refund with no hassles at all! I never ever hesitate to recommend Fast Cover as they really did help me when I was in desperate need. Thank you Fast Cover you have a customer for life in me!"

Sharon – 22 year old traveller from Melbourne, VIC

Sharon's travel insurance pays for itself – twice!

Sharon's and her partner travelled to Canada on a working holiday visa. They had scored great jobs at the Big White Ski Resort and planned to do lots of skiing and snowboarding on their days off.

However, just a few weeks into their trip, Sharon woke up with severe pain in her jaw. The pain was so bad she couldn’t eat or sleep! A dentist confirmed that she required emergency surgery to extract a wisdom tooth at a cost of around $500 AUD. Sharon contacted the Fast Cover emergency assistance helpline and followed their advice, sending off her receipts and documentation for a claim which was fully reimbursed.

Unfortunately that was not the end of their troubles overseas, as Sharon's partner’s mother also unexpectedly passed away. Once again they contacted Fast Cover and confirmed that their travel insurance policy would cover the flights home to Australia for the funeral, as well as returning to Canada at around $2,200 AUD each.

What travellers can learn from Sharon sharing her experience 

  1. Consider purchasing travel insurance for your holiday, especially when heading overseas. 
  2. Research the benefits of policy in detail before you buy so you'll know exactly what you are and aren't covered for.
  3. No trip or traveller is the same, so find a policy that provides the benefits that match your individual trip. 
  4. Unforeseen and unexpected events can happen to anyone.  Consider having a wide range of benefits on your policy, even if you think "that'll never happen to me". 
  5. Remember  that one of the best parts of a holiday is taking amazing pictures and flashing those pearly whites - take care of your teeth!


Fast Cover thanks Sharon for sharing her story to highlight the importance of purchasing travel insurance and how it helped in her specific circumstances. If you'd like to share your travel insurance claim story to help your fellow travellers, you can fill out our online travel insurance claims stories form.

Traveller details have been changed to protect their privacy.

Claims are assessed based on individual circumstances and your policy details. Refer to our Product Disclosure Statement here.


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